Dr. Sarah or her team will get in touch with you as soon as you sign up,
to see if you have any questions, and to discuss how to best help each other and your clients.

Are blocking your clients' progress?

As their trusted guide, you know your clients deserve to flourish. But relationship conflicts cost them time, focus, health, and support for your work together.

The Couples Communication Institute’s proven Connection Spark Method® helps them reconnect with their partner, so you succeed with your clients.

  • Now you can equip clients with vital relationship skills in just 5 weeks.
  • Our online course teaches the Communication, Connection and Calm techniques they need to understand each other and start talking effectively.
  • Your clients will feel inspired by new possibilities, empowered by practical tools and they’ll move beyond struggles into true partnership.

You want your clients to thrive. We make it possible, with 35 years of proven couples therapy experience distilled into an easy online course.

Become An Affiliate - Earn $150 per Course Sold

Join the Couples Communication Institute as an affiliate today.
Refer clients to our affordable self-directed, or guided, learning in
the Couples Communication Made Easy course

Help your clients succeed, while earning affiliate income. You’ll belong to a respected community committed to empowering thriving relationships in a private KnoWEwell forum.

Take action to nurture your clients’ complete wellbeing. Take action to nurture their relationships and communication, because we both know:

Your clients deserve the lives and success
you’re ready to help them achieve

Dr. Sarah or her team will get in touch with you as soon as you sign up,
to see if you have any questions, and to discuss how to best help each other and your clients.

Want to talk it over first before you sign up?

Just put in your name and email address, and Dr. Sarah's team will be in touch with you soon to set something up!

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